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Your Safety!

Module 2

I will state this again and again throughout this training, these are the three golden canyoneering rules:


#1 – Safety First – Your safety and everyone else’s is the top priority.


#2 – Enjoyment – Have an incredible time! (Otherwise, why do it?)


#3 – Follow the Order – Always stick to rules 1 and 2, in that exact sequence.


Safety First: Your top priority is the safety of yourself and your group. Every decision should prioritize the team’s safety and well-being.


Team Effort: Canyoneering is a team sport, not an individual one. Ensure everyone is equipped with the proper gear, knows key skills, and can perform basic canyoneering tasks (like knot-tying).


Don’t Go Alone: Always go with experienced canyoneers—solo adventures are dangerous.


Weather Awareness: Canyons are shaped by water, and rain can create dangerous conditions. Avoid canyons if rain is expected.


Planning and Redundancy: Learn from others’ experiences, plan ahead, and prepare for emergencies. Accidents can happen, but preparation reduces risk.


Preparation is Key: Don’t be scared off—plan thoroughly, choose the right group, and ensure everyone is ready for the challenges ahead.

Canyoneering is indeed a thrilling sport, but accidents can and do happen. To prevent accidents in your group, it is essential to learn from past experiences of others and to be better prepared for the future. Planning and redundancy are critical factors that can help avoid accidents. Learning how to tie specific knots and how to react in emergencies are skills that can be learned and will help you feel more confident and safe. But, it’s never guaranteed. I wish it was, but it is not. You have to take it seriously.

Finally, I encourage you not to let any websites scare you away from canyoneering altogether. Instead, use the information I am providing to plan your adventure better, invite specific friends and family who can match the canyon description and have the necessary endurance. (Don’t bring little Tim who is eight-years old on a 12-mile slot canyon who has never rappelled before). With the right preparation and a focus on safety, you can have a fantastic time canyoneering while minimizing the risk of accidents.


Here are just a few website links that reference these fatalities or accidents:


“I can’t believe I survived; video of flash flood crashing down on canyoneers” from

“Kolob Canyon Disaster” from

“Flash Flood in the Black Hole” from

“Flash Flood in Little Wild Horse Canyon” from

“Special Report: The Keyhole 7” from

“Surviving a Flash Flood in a Slot Canyon” from



The following website created by Bob Allan and is a list of canyoneering-related accidents & fatalities:


Please learn from their mistakes, otherwise we are doomed to repeat them.

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