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Rigging for Releaseable

Module 31

This page is to briefly cover what it means “rig for releasable” but there is NO expectation for you to practice it or do it as it is considered part of Advanced Canyoneering. Rigging for releasable allows a rope anchor to be safely retrieved after use, minimizing environmental impact and preserving resources. This method is essential in “ghosting” canyons, where no permanent anchors are left behind. While it’s an advanced technique, understanding its basics helps beginner canyoneers progress safely and responsibly.

Practice only in a controlled environment and with an experienced guide.


1.  Anchor Setup: Attach the rope to a stable natural anchor, like a tree, rock, or sandbag.

2.  Releasable Device: Use “toggles” such as a fiddlestick, totem or smooth operator, which can be controlled remotely via a 2nd or 3rd rope.

3.  Backup: Always include a safety backup, like tying the rope to a carabiner or friction hitch, to prevent premature release during descent.

4.  Test Before Use: Gently load the anchor to confirm it’s secure and will release smoothly.

5.  Rope Retrieval: After the first team member descends, pull the rope gently but firmly to see if the “toggle” could release. But don’t do it. Just verify. If not, adjust the system and try again.

Pros of Releasable Rigging:

Minimal Environmental Impact: Leaves no permanent traces, maintaining the canyon’s pristine state.

Resource Efficient: Reduces the need for extra rope or equipment.

Emergency Flexibility: A stuck or jammed rope can sometimes be resolved by releasing the system remotely.

Cons of Releasable Rigging:

Higher Risk: Misjudging the system can lead to anchor failure or rope loss (getting stuck).

Complexity: Requires precision and practice to rig correctly.

Not Always Suitable: Some canyon conditions (e.g., poor anchor points, high friction) make this method impractical.

Tips for Beginners:

Learn from Experts: Practice under the guidance of a skilled canyoneer or instructor.

Practice on Easy Terrain: Before applying in advanced canyons, test releasable setups in controlled environments.

Know the Tools: Understand and practice using releasable devices: toggles, ropes and knots.

Inspect Anchors: Always verify the strength and stability of the natural anchor before trusting it with your weight.

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